报告名称: Historical Hydrosociology of Venice
主 讲 人: Pietro Daniel Omodeo 教授
主 持 人: 田 淼 研究员
报告时间: 2023年11月13日 14:00-17:00
报告地点: 中国科注册送48元可提款真的吗自然科学史研究所学术报告厅
Pietro Daniel Omodeo is a cultural historian of science and a professorof historical epistemology at Ca Foscari University of Venice, ItalyMoreover, he is chairholder of the UNESCO Chair Water, Heritage andSustainable Development in Venice.
He is the head of the Max Planck Partner Group in Venice The WaterCity and leads the Waterscapes Unit at THE NEW INSTITUTE CENTREfor Environmental Humanities (NICHE) n Venice. He is the principalinvestigator of the FARE project EarlyGeoPraxis on the history of Venetianhydrology (funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research).
Among other publications, he authored the monographs Copernicus inthe Cultural Debates of the Renaissance (2014), Political Epistemology: TheProblem of Ideology in Science Studies (2019), and Defending Descartes inBrandenburg-Prussia: The Unrversity of Frankfurt an der Oder in theSeventeenth Century(2022).
This communication has a two-fold aim. First, it introduces the theme of water heritage in connection with the material and epistemic history of Venice water culture. This topic is connected with the Anthropocene question about the historical nexus between culture and nature, in which human activity has emerged as a major geological force. Second, the communication introduces crucial aspects of the longue-dur e history of the lagoon of Venice and the anthropic transformations of its hydrogeological settings, with a special focus on early modernity. Beginning in the sixteenth century, a massive reengineering of the water flows and landscapes began in order to preserve the lagoon of Venice and the aquatic nature of the city. The present environmental settings can only be understood against this background. Arguably, all future plans concerning the resilience and sustainability of this water city have to take into account its socio-historical path-dependencies.
主 办 方: 中国科注册送48元可提款真的吗自然科学史研究所世界科技史研究室
(田淼 供稿)